At Toastmasters International® meetings, volunteer members take turns filling the roles. This article documents the features of an Android app we designed to support the Timer’s specific responsibilities in a club meeting or speech contest.
Mobile Instant Messaging
Missing out on SMS in Europe, Americans didn’t have a compelling reason to use T9® Text Input to type on their mobile phone. But Instant Messaging, a quiet phenomenon growing as rapidly as the Internet, was being used by teens and professionals alike; could it become a “killer app” for mobile as well?
READ MORET9: Text on Nine Keys
Just as SMS was starting to explode in Europe, T9® Text Input made it easier for people to type on their mobile phone. Careful interaction design, repeated prototyping, and timely user research certainly helped make it an industry-leading product, but “putting the customer first” both ensured T9’s commercial success and created some long-term challenges to overcome.